Can You Upload Rave Dj on Youtube

This is how well thought out products look similar.

- Actually elementary and intuitive offset. I created my first mashup within first 2 minutes and at all times knew exactly what I was doing

- Inbuilt virality. People will testify off their produced mixes to their friends and on social media.

- Actually solves a pain point. How many of us have tried mixing songs and gave upwardly? This gives a sense of creativity while taking care of all the complexity.

Even though I don't know how they'll monetize this, it seems a really well thought out product.

> Even though I don't know how they'll monetize this, it seems a actually well thought out production.

Depending on how y'all define product, this is a major show stopper. I'd say a product can't be called well idea out, if it doesn't have monetization thought out from the commencement. Although there is always advertizing, I approximate..

But very nice tool/toy nevertheless!

All information technology takes is a pivot at that point.

In that location are currently 3 major DJ software products - Serato, Rekordbox and Traktor - the ability to quickly throw together a few dissimilar tracks into a mashup could exist a nice killer feature for one of them to acquire.

Or, playout software for a bar - queue upwards a load of music of a similar genre and have an automix created.

Indeed - but if yous want to exist acqui-hired you go for one of the commercial offerings.

Equally an bated, Mixxx is an crawly piece of software, it'southward not quite as slick as Serato et al, but it works fantastically if your controller is suitably mapped, and is timecode vinyl agnostic which is a prissy plus.

I agree, but ii major problems here:

- licensing volition be difficult without a paywall, I'm pretty certain this site is "illegal"

- there is no way to keep tweaking manually to correct bad sounding parts etc, which limits usefulness

Equally information technology happens I work on a similar iphone app chosen Pacemaker, which solves both of these problems (using spotify login and a agglomeration of edit tools, respectively)

Really.. information technology sounds like someone but hitting play on two songs at the same time to me. Beatmatching is trivial.

I estimate the audio mix is good... The video was using ninety% of my processing ability, what in the world was going on there?

At great risk of sounding haughty, equally someone who's perhaps a fleck more into the DJing scene than what's probably the average HN user, all of these sound horrible. Beat matching is the easiest function of DJing, and that'southward most all that this tool does, so I don't think it'due south solving any DJing issues specifically.

One thing that information technology does practise is have away the turntable GUI (or hardware) and supervene upon it with a two-field upload grade, radically reducing the corporeality of know-how required to perform beat-matching. That's just really scratching the surface of what a lot of "live" DJs exercise (as they're called these days), as many are bringing instruments like drums and saxophones (see Big Gigantic[1]), keyboards and vocoders (encounter Lorenz Rhode[2]), their voice (run into Gallago[iii]), and traditional African drums (run across Black Motion[4]), let alone uncomplicated song selection and prepare progression - "reading the oversupply".





When the tool comes along that can fashion-transfer 2 songs in the same fashion that it can for images, then I will admit that AI is on the verge of taking our music-creating/music-playing jobs. But for now, I'thou satisfied that there'southward a bit more to the depth of DJing than that what an AI can larn.

Hey, I'm one of the devs at Rave.

I posted some general responses here:

We're aiming to brand the process as simple as possible, and so anyone tin make mashups/mixes, and will add on customizations over time. Our focus showtime and foremost will be to make sure that the core procedure is solid earlier we add together on to it.

Our AI does do more than beatmatching as well. Though a lot of that is going to be more than evident in our mix AI, which we've been focusing on recently.

To be honest I didn't recollect my comment would go that much attention - and if I did I would've worded it a bit more than gently. I call up the framework that y'all've built around this product is really, actually, really impressive (the virality and interactivity, for example). But I as well think it's a very hard trouble that you've set out to tackle. I alluded to it a bit elsewhere in this thread, just at that place hasn't been virtually every bit much work put into audio signal learning as at that place has been photographic bespeak learning. I'm really excited to come across what else can be done, and I'1000 happy to meet that someone is trying to do it. I wish you the best of luck

(Only I'm besides hoping that this doesn't further dilute the music manufacture by making music "production" fifty-fifty easier. Pop music is already "algorithmically solved", and other genres aren't as unique as any fan would similar to think.)

There are a lot of "mixes" on youtube for electronic music that have keen track selection but practice uncomplicated fades considering they don't have the technical skills. If this technology helps them solve that so it would improve my listening experience dramatically.

That is really precisely what we're aiming to solve! Requite those who don't accept the technical skills, a ways to get the best outcome they can get, while letting them focus on the role that is important to them: the music selection.

Agreed! I'g in a band called The Wonder Confined[1], and we play firm music alive with real instruments, simply nosotros besides include drum machines. We're very far from computers beingness able to improvise (well), and 4-5 humans playing live instruments is just a crowd-captivating visual. Along with Agent Zero[2], Worldtown Soundsystem[iii], and several other bands in the Philadelphia surface area, nosotros make up a vibrant "live electronic" scene united by the way nosotros brand music, not past the genres of music that we especially choose to write and play.

We're likewise DJs/producers, and every bit a DJ, I somewhat disagree with AI e'er taking our music-creating jobs. Perhaps playing music will be somewhat more automated in the future, simply history shows that creating music will merely become more complex and more interesting as nosotros continue frontward. Think about it: There are nevertheless _professional_ drummers out there, people just paid to pulsate, when drum machines exist. There are entire orchestras that are paid well-nigh the same salary every bit developers, still the Vienna Symphonic Library lets a single person on a keyboard play an entire orchestra's score. The truth is, compositions have classically exploited the modern applied science of the day to their own reward, and I don't encounter that stopping anytime soon. I can fifty-fifty imagine a world where the independent vocaliser/songwriter of a sudden becomes more than capable than ever, with AI allowing them to orchestrate entire film scores by just playing a piano or a guitar into their calculator. But I don't see the creative aspect of music dying just because we built a automobile to organize some stuff better for us.

[one]: [2]: [3]:

Oh I definitely agree we have nothing to worry most :) I may have to check you out though! I enjoy live business firm of many flavors.

But at the same time, photo style transfer is...impressive[ane]. It'due south interesting to me that so many engineers are focused on creating machinery that learns the photographic bespeak subspace, but there'due south not too many working on the audio bespeak subspace.


Information technology would be pretty trivial to add cardinal-matching to this thing but like you say that wouldn't come up close to everything a good dj or live band is doing during a functioning with an audience.

Then I tried to mix two guitar-heavy songs that were spring to be incompatible and the results are kind of okay. Only one has vocals and it comes out mode out of tune, just the general evolution of the songs fits well. Information technology somewhat feels that this has more to do with the predictable sequence of verse/chorus/poetry confined in pop music. But eh.

The video is pretty adept too:


Edit: Here'south an example of an utter failure that illustrates my hypothesis: information technology mixes a song that has a traditional poetry/chorus/poetry structure with a techno track that's a monotonic crescendo. The algorithm doesn't know what to do almost information technology (the correct reply, although not leading to dandy music, would be to use parts from the begginning of the crescendo track so non to overpower the pop song.)

Edit 2: Here's an easy one information technology gets wrong: track ane has great loopable instrumental grooves that proceed each for a few confined before rap vocals kick in. Track 2 is a person talking. Information technology should non be overlapping vocals, it should just highlight the instrumental loops.

Only dissonant melodies tin sound skillful; for a while bitonalism (some Debussy; most notoriously Darius Milhaud) was a compromise or a gateway drug to straight atonalism. My first case has vocals in a different key from the guitar, only the song structure works.

Basically mixing any popular songs piece of work -- here's a very very very good 1 with Sepultura + Pet Store Boys

... the signal existence that pop music is very very regular in its verse/chorus/verse narrative curve.

If there'south whatever Eurovision geeks here, I tried putting two Eurovision songs together, and now I can't cease watching "I Feed You My Rhythm Within" by Margaret Berger vs Loïc Nottet. I must have played this 10 times in a row at present.

Later on watching this, I want to watch some other, like mashup. This site could actually use a recommendation/autoplay system, and I could listen for hours. Possibly I've been watching Youtube as well much.

Every bit long every bit there's a pretty predictable 4/4 beat, information technology seems to do well.

DJ AssultPink - Ass ' n ' TT

Although the BPM detection usually works, It seems to accept trouble getting the songs synced in phrase - 2nd tracks come in starting on the 3rd bar or something.

That blur filter absolutely annihilates my macbook'due south CPU.

EDIT: 4 hours remaining... hmmm.. feeding it a 400 track playlist probably wasn't a adept idea

Seems to be pretty crawly. I tested out two instrumental bits in Hardwell - Spaceman and SHM - Greyhound and found that the algorithm had some problems with the low finish clashing on mixing between the songs Though it leveled out after a few seconds. Would beloved to know more about how information technology works!

But one side note, that moving background is giving me motion sickness :) Simply I am gonna probably spend a lot of time, making mixes...

Aye, this background video makes for a terrible feel. I know it looks cool and startupy (at to the lowest degree it did in 2015) but this trend has to stop.

Ended upward hiding information technology with an ad blocker rule.

Hey all! I'm ane of the devs at Rave (working on the website). This is really cool to run across all this involvement in the states!

To accost a few points I've seen on here: Nosotros do more than simply beatmatching. That said, almost of our contempo technical advancements are done on our mix AI, as information technology's been our contempo push. Requite mixes a attempt (which piece of work better the more songs you give them)! Nosotros'll be pivoting back to mashups soon as well to continue improvements on that AI, particularly rolling in some of the improvements we adult through the mix AI.

Our goals have really been to bring mashups and mixes to those who don't have the technical ability first and foremost, and focus on making it every bit accessible as possible. We want to make sure our baseline is solid before targeting customizations. I experience paraschopra's postal service really captured what nosotros wanted to achieve.

Ultimately, we're still at the beginning of what nosotros want to practice, and take enough of improvements on the way.

Some feedback:

* Awesome job, here are some feature suggestions:

* The ability to rate the mix/mashup as the writer

* The power to rate equally an audition

* visual of the algo's agreement of the songs sound profile and how its lining them upward

* The ability to select the fourth dimension-range of the song which must exist included/excluded from the mix

* ability to ask information technology to weight a repeating frequency of a song

* name of the artist/track/video playing displayed


Where are yous guys located?

Good suggestions, nosotros're located in Kitchener Ontario Canada.

RE: "ability to ask information technology to weight a repeating frequency of a song" - you'd want songs to appear in your mix more than one time?

Yes, if I am mixing a series of my favorite songs... too I may want it to mix from A B C B A B C A to see how that sounds...

And a surprisingly successful merger of Cutty Ranks and Abba with the awesome championship of "Limb Queen"

I giggled all the way through it. A flake of meliorate volume balancing where the two songs overlap and I'd play that at a party with no regrets...

prissy - every bit yous say, would be better if the Abba rail was lower in the mix when it kickoff comes in, but the timing and parts used to bring it in are spot on.

Perhaps the algorithm would do better with better quality versions of the track rather than youtube quality?

Pretty interesting. I used to be heavily into the mashup scene, even going so far every bit to make (some other turntable/ clone). Here's some of my favorite classical mashups alongside the version:

Thomas the Tank Engine vs Biggie Smalls

Original: https://world wide

This was the easiest as it's but a vocal track laid onto a beat, but information technology really jumps the tracks around a ton, seemingly randomly. It at to the lowest degree doesn't bound mid-measure though and fits with the beat.


Modest Mouth (Modest Mouse vs Smashmouth)


The Neil C original is a classic, and actually fits two songs together that don't belong near each other. Rave plays the intros in sequential club, with vocals overlapping all over. They really demand a key channel filter to run across if they can pop the vocals out from the instrumentals. This is really a tuesday-surprise lunchroom goulash of a mashup, with a rather abrupt catastrophe.


Korn vs Taylor Swift


This i really works considering of some of the more circuitous editing on Isosine's role. The rave one is a disaster. Feels like you're standing in between two parties that are blasting 2 jams, that but happened to accept their drops/choruses line upwardly.


Kanye West vs The Beatles


This is a personal favorite, and I think information technology works because of how long the Hey Jude intro is. Information technology really means you forget most Kanye completely until he jumps in. Information technology works because of how deadening of a buildup Hey Jude is. The Rave version has no nuance here. They speed upward Hey Jude, up-pitching it in the process and making it sound similar Raffi or some other kid entertainer. They downwardly pitch Kanye, making him seem similar some gangsta thug. It really doesn't work at all.


I actually desire this to go better, but I feel similar it needs to be trained more tricks (vocal separation for one) to really be worth it. Also modest QOL comeback would exist to allow yous to preview tracks before you add them to the mix. Hard to find one that's a practiced sound just rip of a song sometimes.

Love it!

What I observe very interesting is, the stability of the system. There must exist quite the heavy load on the machine: retrieval, analysis, tempo matching, mashup cosmos, encoding and all on a ~eleven hours HN-related stress test.

This one managed to match up the lyrics of two similarly-themed songs surprisingly well, assumedly by accident: "But mighty fine only got you lot somewhere half the time, the other half either got you... eighteen years, and on the eighteenth birthday he found out it wasn't his!"

Considering information technology's ane of the rare electronic songs that became popular whose speed is ~100 BPM (BPM = beats per minute in this case). That makes information technology compatible with a lot of pop and hip hop songs. Add to that the fact that it contains almost no lyrics (while pop songs contain almost no low frequencies) and yous have a friction match.

Dearest the UI and UX and the idea, merely unfortunately the end event was impossible to listen to. Might've been just me picking two incompatible songs.

Useless. All the prog business firm tracks I would actually want to mix with a tool similar this are around ix minutes, which is "too long".

Effort adding more than than two songs, ideally 50 or more to requite the AI something to piece of work with. I'd recommend picking a YouTube playlist.

Seems to only be a beat matcher / BPM adjuster, which is interesting in itself, simply quite bones features in any DAW/DJing software.


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